Special Reports

In more than 150 reports a year, FT journalists provide authoritative analysis of the biggest issues in global business, finance and industry, presented in compelling print, video and digital formats.

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FT Special Reports Survey 2024


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Special Reports - Guaranteed Position - Colour

Special Reports - Run of Paper - Colour

Weekday - Run of Paper - Custom Sizes - Mono

Customisable sizes are available, these are mono adverts and will be placed run of paper. Sizing is determined by the 6 column grid of the newspaper, the minimum width is 2 column and the maximum width is 6 columns.

Rates are determined by Single Column Unit (SCU) and final dimensions are dependent on copy provided but use the following column structure:

Weekday - Run of Paper - Custom Sizes - Mono


Production & Delivery Contacts

Please deliver your copy and creative 7 working days prior to the publication date or as advised by your FT representative. Send your copy and creative to adcopy@ft.com.

Print Requirements

All adverts will need to be supplied as high resolution PDF files and must include trim marks set to trim size of publication. Crop marks should be positioned outside the bleed and printed area. Please download full specifications.


Advertising Contacts

Andrea Frias-Andrade
Project Manager for Special Reports, Project Management
Global Client Services
M +44 (0)7719 074 319

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