Financial Times

The weekday Financial Times newspaper is one of the world’s leading business, politics and world-affairs news and information sources. Relied upon by business leaders, government ministers, international entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, educators and students to keep them informed about the events that really matter.


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average household income (before tax)**


average net worth excl. main residence***

Source: *PwC Audited Monthly Global Reach 2023 **FT Global Survey 2024 ***FT Global Survey 2024/5

Weekday - Run of Paper - Mono

Weekday - Run of Paper - Custom Sizes - Mono

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Rates are determined by Single Column Unit (SCU) and final dimensions are dependent on copy provided but use the following column structure:

Weekday - Run of Paper - Custom Sizes - Mono


Weekday - Guaranteed Position - Colour

Weekday - Run of Paper - Colour

Weekday - Run of Paper - Custom Sizes - Mono

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FT Weekend
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